Massachusetts DPU Issues New Storage, Net Metering, and FCM Inquiry; Solicits Comments

On October 3, 2017, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (the Department) commenced an inquiry into the (1) eligibility of energy storage systems to net meter, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, §§ 138 - 140 and 220 CMR 18.00; and (2) qualification and bidding of certain net metering facilities in the Forward Capacity Market (FCM). The Inquiry follows the Department’s decision to consider the relationship between energy storage, net metering, and the ISO-New England Inc.’s FCM.[1]  The Department will consider comments on each of these issues. As pertains to an energy storage system’s eligibility to net meter, the Department will entertain initial and reply comments by November 17, 2017 and December 8, 2017, respectively.

As for its evaluation on the qualification and bidding of net metering facilities in the FCM, the Department seeks initial and reply comments by February 1, 2018 and February 22, 2018, respectively

For more information regarding the Department’s Inquiry or other energy storage issues, please contact Andrew O. Kaplan at or 617.488.8104.

[1] See DPU 15-155; DPU 16-116; and DPU 17-105.