Employment Breakfast - Pregnancy Accommodation and Parental Leave

Nov 8: 7:00 - 8:30 AM
Event Host
Pierce Atwood LLP

Merrill's Wharf
254 Commercial Street
Portland, ME 04101
United States

Presentation Materials

Recent court cases and legislation surrounding pregnancy accommodation and parental leave are requiring employers to rethink their policies. In our November employment program, we explored these questions:

  • Are employers required to accommodate pregnant employees who cannot perform their jobs?
  • Do employers have to provide pregnant employees with a light duty assignment if they provide light duty to employees with work-related injuries?
  • Can an employer require a pregnant employee to go on leave if she cannot perform the essential functions of the job, even with accommodations?
  • Can employers require pregnant employees to go on leave if the job presents a danger to themselves or the developing fetus?
  • How much maternity leave are employers required to provide?
  • Are employers required to provide parental leave to employees whose spouses or partners are having pregnancy complications?
  • Is a pregnant employee entitled to maternity leave if she does not qualify for FMLA (e.g., because she has not been employed for 12 months)?
  • Are employers required to provide paid pregnancy or parental leave?
  • Is it legal to provide more paid parental leave to women than to men?
  • Is it legal to provide more paid leave to employees who give birth than to employees who adopt?
  • Can childless employees bring discrimination claims if their employer provides generous paid leave benefits only to parents?